An automation game about repairing spaceships. Made for the 2021 Js13kGames.


Build Miners to extract resources from asteroids. Use those resources to repair any ships that come into the station.

Right now you can only mine Copper. Use belts and movers to move the copper to the walls or the room. A belt built on a wall away from the room will export it and put it into storage. You can also build a belt on a wall towards the room to import the Copper into the room.

Only a single spaceship will come to be repaired. It needs 10 Copper to be repaired. It's on a loop so it will come back but it won't need any more resources and will leave right away.

You can also convert Copper into Iron (just for testing) using the Assembler. Once Iron is moved into storage there is no way to get it out (for now).

Build Menu Help:

  • Belts
    • Belt - moves items along the path. End at a wall to export belts from a room, start at a wall to import items into the room.
    • Mover - moves items from a building or belt to another building or belt
    • Reparier - repairs a ship. Can only be placed on the tiles next to the ship station in the bottom-left room
  • Miners
    • Miner - Mines the asteroid for Copper. Can only be placed on the tiles in the top-left room
  • Assemblers
    • Assembler - Convert 1 Copper to 1 Iron
  • Delete (does not work)